
Huisartsenzorg Delft works by appointment only

You may make an appointment for a medical consultation from Monday to Friday between 08.00 am and 11.30 am by telephone: (015) 213 53 58.

When you make an appointment for a medical consultation, the doctor’s assistant or nurse practitioner will ask you what the reason is for the consultation. This is necessary in order to assess the nature and the urgency of your medical complaint(s) and/or medical question(s). Just like the GP, the doctor’s assistant and nurse practitioner are required to handle your medical symptoms and questions confidentially.

A consultation lasts 15 minutes

If you have multiple medical complaints and/or medical questions, please report this to the doctor’s assistant or nurse practitioner so they can make an appointment for an extensive consult (30 minutes).

Consultation by telephone

If you want to discuss the results of a blood test or other investigation and/or you have a short medical question for the GP, you can make an appointment for a consultation by telephone. Call between 08.00 am and 11.30 am (015) 213 53 58.