When you contact Huisartsenzorg Delft by telephone, the doctor’s assistant or nurse practitioner makes an appointment for a consultation, a consultation by phone or a house-call. They know the answer to many practical questions, for example about references and prescriptions. The doctor’s assistant or nurse practitioner is also available for:
- bandages;
- (cervical) smear test (national cervical screening programme);
- check-up of diabetes;
- haemoglobin test;
- ear syringing;
- hearing test;
- injections;
- monitoring blood pressure;
- providing information leaflets;
- removal of sutures;
- repeat prescriptions;
- spirometry;
- urine analysis;
- vaccination;
- wart removal.
Make an appointment with one of the doctor’s assistants or nurse practitioner by telephone from Monday to Friday between 08.00 am and 11.30 am.